

It is the intention of this site to provide good will and enjoyment of gaming art. Here you will find artwork, concept art, wallpapers and GOG covers (made by me) which are optimized (i.e. 660×930 pixels) for use with GOG Galaxy client. Note that almost all images are obtained from official source and should be stated where they’re not. The page is NOT an info spot, while game description comes from official fact sheet or box, for other information you can visit the links provided. Here, the focus is on art :).
For art galleries go to Games, or to GOG Covers if you’re interested in that. Artists button takes you to list of artists that have images published on this website, note that they are also referenced on the images, where applicable. On the About page you can get extra info, Support takes you to PayPal donate page, any help appreciated. You also have social media links at the bottom of the page, so you can subscribe and follow on the platform of your choice. Have fun.